Birds sinfonia


Christian Lacroix


Histoires Naturelles Wallpapers

Birds Sinfonia wallpaper by Christian Lacroix is a typically flamboyant and colourful design from the leading French fashion designer. It features a selection of large detailed birds sitting amongst several types of florals and leaves. Graphic vertical lines add a touch of contemporary quirkiness so reminiscent of the designer’s own label. For added glamour some of the range is in metallics. Birds Sinfonia wallpaper is part of the ‘must see’ Christian Lacroix Histoires Naturelles Wallpaper collection from Designers Guild.

Crepuscule - Multicoloured birds in vibrant shades of blue, lemon, and tropical green against a matt black ground.Perce Neige - Multicoloured birds in vibrant shades of blue, lemon, and tropical green against a matt white ground.Source - Multicoloured birds in vibrant shades of blue, lemon, and tropical green against a pale blue ground.Jonc - Multicoloured birds in vibrant shades of blue, lemon, and tropical green against a cream background.

Availability: In stock

Price per roll:

Was: $154.89

Now: $123.66

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