Novafrica sunset scene 2 tangerine


Christian Lacroix


LaCroix Stravaganza Wallpaper

The Novafrica Sunset Scene 2 Tangerine wallpaper depicts an imaginary African scene where the exotic flora and fauna of the wilderness get lost beneath the exuberant and extravagant planets that orbit above. This wallpaper is digitally printed as 3 x 50cm drops, where each drop is designed to be hung in sequence next to each other to create a complete panel 150cm wide x 300cm high.

This design is available in two scene options which can be used in combination together or alone to stunning effect. Novafrica Sunrise Scene 2 Tangerine can be used alongside Novafrica Sunrise Scene 1 Tangerine to create a spectacular second layout, for a stunning scenic effect.


Availability: In stock

Price per roll:

Was: $277.09

Now: $221.23

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